Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Human aggressive behavior is inherent and natural instinct or a social learning behavior?

We watch examples of violent responses/agressive behavior every time on television, sports, work argues, jams... etc. These human responses are learned? Our society is a school of these agreessive behaviors or simply these responses are samples of ours inherent instincts?

Are there scientific answers for that question?Human aggressive behavior is inherent and natural instinct or a social learning behavior?
We forget that we did not evolve in the environment we have now created for ourselves.

This might help to understand why when humans are put in stressful situations they revert to aggression, as this was a necessary response to a threat to survival.

If you ever find yourself in a serious threat situation, you will realise afterwards that you did things you never learned, and you did them without thinking.

Also, distasteful as it may seem, murder and rape is a successful strategy for a minority living in a comparatively peaceful tribal society. Hence a minority of people (men usually) are highly aggressive by nature.

This is supported by game theory and genetic inheritance theory.Human aggressive behavior is inherent and natural instinct or a social learning behavior?
It is the lack of discipline and little to no consequences for their actions that this occurs. Very little has to do with inherent behavior. This kind of behavior was not seen back 30-plus years ago...why?....because if we stepped out of line we would get punished...sometimes with dad's belt! Consequences for one's actions....and we behaved!!!
You have phrased the question badly. It should not read; how do we learn to aggress, but how can we learn to live in peace. Aggression is an evolved, contingent response of many organisms. Humans are evolved animals. Are evolutionary past is not set aside at the imposition of superficial culture, but our evolved heritage is that which engenders this culture.
It seems aggression is a natural response to similar behavior.

Controlling and managing this behavior in our everyday lives can keep it to a tolerable level.Aggression is also a learned process,look at the many levels of responses.
Check our omnivore teeth.
I think human aggressive behavior is an instinct, and that the social learning involves learning how to control aggression.
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