Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Violence: a natural instinct, a barbaric instinct, or both? Is it possible it is a learned instinct? If...?

...violence comes naturally to a person, but he holds himself back, is he repressing his natural instincts? Is this healthy for him? Hypothetically speaking, in a world without man-made laws would said person be better off unleashing his violent tendencies or would he be better off adhering to the princuples of non-violence?

/* In the world we live in, of course, there are legal consequences to violent actions*/Violence: a natural instinct, a barbaric instinct, or both? Is it possible it is a learned instinct? If...?
Its a natural instinct of some that could be viewed as barbaric by another.

If someone gets in my face I prefer settling it with my fists- I get beaten up at times but its still very liberatingViolence: a natural instinct, a barbaric instinct, or both? Is it possible it is a learned instinct? If...?
Actually giving it a little time to think things over is the smartest choice. That's the difference between (reacting and responding).

Responding being the smarter choice. You can still engage, but at least you have plan and a goal.

The fact of the matter is violence is by choice. If someone strikes you then you have the choice to defend yourself or not, excluding women of course. That is a no win situation and best to run and hide.
I think it is a random quark. Some people are violent some aren't.

My siblings by far are more violent than me as I detest it(I feel deep emotional pain when I harm others even if my actions were justifiable).

It is what it is. If a person is violent he or she needs therapy on how to manage that violence.
watch the news there are murders stabbings violence every day, we are at war with Afghanistan , even the semi self proclaimed governments conduct in violence on a daily basis. fact: violence is the back bone of being human it always has and always will be.
I think everything we do is natural under the right circumstances.

It can be bad to hold in feelings but in the end we as a species will probably just evolve and adapt to it
I believe we all be better without laws that what i fight off for I'm an anarchist authority gives pleasure to people to hurt another human been i would say that it's primitive violence

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