Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Is the way we determine attractiveness of people a natural instinct or is it formed by the impact of society?

Society has determined what features of people (particularly facial features) are attractive and which aren't. Many members of the community have been branded as 'ugly' or 'genetically unfortunate', but are they really what society say? I personally believe God made each individual different and all beautiful. What makes society think they can determine who is good looking and who isn't? Why is a button nose cuter than a large nose? So my question is... is it really society that have made these stereotypes or is it a natural instict from birth?Is the way we determine attractiveness of people a natural instinct or is it formed by the impact of society?
i personally thin its society so pounded into humans minds it might appear somewut like natural instinct. beuaty is almost always used in the tense to compare someone to something. like ';you are very beutiful'; (compared to the ugly guy over there).....and the comparison is always linked to the views of societyIs the way we determine attractiveness of people a natural instinct or is it formed by the impact of society?
First off, your question is referring to superficial beauty, and not true beauty. Lets ensure we refer to it as such to avoid confusion.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

What you are attracted to is not determined by your genes. Your genes cannot dictate that you will like a button nose over a pointy one, a slim woman over a larger one, a tall one over a short one, a blonde over a red head, or woman over a man.

What you like or find attractive is determined by your upbringing and life experience starting from birth. We human beings are so easily influenced, it would likely frighten you. So many ingredients and seemingly insignificant events throughout your life will mold your taste to what it is today. Of course, this obviously includes what we see in magazines, TV, movies, music, fashion, peers and etc.

This becomes seemingly hard wired into our psyche and defines our tastes. Seemingly, but not really. Unfortunately, yes, our superficial capitalistic society has bombarded us with images of what they want us to believe beauty is, in order to sell you something. Beauty, whether true or superficial, is learned.

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